Tuesday, November 15, 2011

LSAT reading comp not improving?

I have been studying for the LSAT since the beginning of Dec. and am taking it Feb 7th. My reading comprehension is not improving at all. What do I do? I have been doing everything that my cl teaches me to do with the reading comp and I do all of the practice homework for it. I'm worried that if it hasn't improved in the 2 months that I have been studying, it won't in the next few weeks.


This all may be true... a sign of HIV..or much of it could be psychosomatic...either way...GET TESTED...it's the only way to know...why worry to the point of possible depression over somthing that you may not even have....contrary to poular beliefe...HIV between heteroual males is lower than any other group besides abstainers....you have a 1% of catching it as a male with one unprotected ual encounter with an infected woman..women catch it easier

Coming out at age 22.?

I am 22, female, and considering coming out. My family are good people, but extremely phobic in general, so I have been too afraid to come out while I lived at home. I have been surprised that no one has figured it out, considering that I don't date and have a clic butch personality. Now that I live on my own I really want to, but I don't know how to go about it without insulting anyone. Suggestions?

If Sarah Palin Couldn't Justify Hiring Barack Obama as Her Chief Counsel When She Was Governor...?

why did the American people elect this 3rd-year junior ociate lawyer and adjunct night lecturer as President of the United States? In most neighborhoods across America, his lack of executive experience disqualifies him from a leadership position in the PTA, right?

Why will the '08 election be Business as Usual???

Most of the candidates from both parties have been jockying to claim the euphemistic title of the "Change Agent". The fact is, the economy has emerged as the Numero Uno issue. Forget the Iraq War, gay marriage, critical foreign policy issues, etc. Most Americans only pay attention to such matters when they are able to easily buy big screen TV's, gas guzzling SUV's and they can change jobs for higher pay as often as they change their underwear. The fact is, voters in the US VOTE THEIR POCKETBOOKS. So, look for our cast of Usual Suspect candidates to harp on this issue. (Yes, Obama is a Usual Suspect in that if elected, he would encircle himself with such people). They will not dare suggest real long-term cures for the US economy. The bogus "stimulus package" is such a ploy. Then if elected, they will enact all sorts of bureaucratic feeding-trough "solutions". The truth is, the US does not have the guts to really do what it takes to turn things around and the candidates know this.

History report on ww2. need help please?

im doing the report on the resitance groups and spies. (under ground activities as its listed on our paper) i cant find anything. were not allowed to use wikipedia either. good websites, magazines, books, encyclopedias, or newspapers that might have anything would all count as 5 different sources. (we have to have)

Patio puddle problem?

When it rains I end up with a big puddle at the edge of my patio. The ground at the edge (and under) is thick clay. Ive tried digging up and putting in pebbles for drainage but no joy. I've dug down 24". The area is about 6' x 2' that seems to cause the problem. Any advice would be appreciated.